Privacy Policy

This privacy policy defines the way VIOLETMEMORY, lda, Nipc: 517334933, brand holder MEMORICE, uses and protects the information it provides when using the website www.oursins.with.

Violetmemory, Lda., It is committed to ensuring that its privacy is protected.

We may ask you to provide certain information by which it can be identified when using this site, with the guarantee that this information will only be used according to this Privacy Declaration.

Violetmemory, Lda. Reserves the right to alter this policy occasionally, updating this text according to the changes that may be implemented, spreading them by this means.

Thus, we recommend that you consult this document with some regularity and, if any question or doubt arises, in contact with us.

Responsible for data processing:
The person responsible for data processing is Violetmemory, lda. Which can be contacted through the following ways:

phone: 351 968 664 124

Privacy Policy:
This Privacy Policy applies to data that has been directly provided by the respective holder or collected from the holder's access to our website. 
What information did we collect?
Name - To identify it as our customer and/or user of our site;

Email Address-To make all communications related to your orders, as well as to send promotional and informative emails about our products and services;

Address - to send your orders or accounting documents;

Mobile Phone-For the purpose of delivering orders, as well as for orders related to orders whenever email contact is not possible for some reason;

Fiscal Identification Number - for billing purposes;

Order history - so you can consult in your customer area, as well as for statistical sales treatment;

IBAN - For the purposes of refund in the case of returns.

Processing of personal data and consent
By providing your personal data to Violetmemory, Lda., The holder of personal data consent, previously, free, informed, specific and unambiguously, that they are treated for the purposes described in the present privacy policy.

The consent is provided by completing acceptance box and later by confirmation in the link you welcome to the email address you provide us.

What we do with the information we collect - purposes
We need this information to understand your needs and provide you with better service and, in particular, for the following purposes:

The processing of your data is necessary for the conclusion and fulfillment of the purchase and sale contract or the provision of services to be celebrated with each other and Violetmemory, Lda., Or for the performance of pre-contractual steps to your request;

Orders processing, namely sending, invoicing and returning, having as legal basis the execution of a purchase and sale contract;

We can periodically send promotional emails about your products, special offers and/or other information that we think may be of interest, using the email address that provided us, having as a legal foundation your consent to this;

Violetmemory, Lda. You can definition of profiles based on information related to your purchases. Whenever you make a purchase we register the purchased products, paid amounts, date and time, as well as the place of purchase. This information is analyzed to identify your consumer profile. This analysis allows Violetmemory, Lda., Send you personalized information suitable for your profile. We use statistical information related to our customers' profiles to improve our offer and plan our communication. This treatment is based on its consent.

We can use the information to customize the site according to your interests, having as a legal basis your consent;

Data conservation period:
We retain your personal data for 3 years of inactivity, as you will be contacted to express your desire to preserve or eliminate your data from our database, without prejudice to the deadlines for prescription and for the expiration of the rights of rights of Violetmemory, Lda., Under the law, as well as conservation of personal data arising from legal obligations.

Sharing and/or data storage with third parties:
We share your data with partner companies for specific purposes. We seek to ensure that these companies meet the RGPD and the present privacy policy.

We can share shipping data (name, address and phone) with the carriers we work with.

We stored your data on the electronic trade platform we use (Shopify), our billing software (vendus).